
See you soon in Guardamar!

See you soon in Guardamar!

7 May 2020

These were strange and intense times and we are still not back to what it was like. We can well imagine that your plans have changed throughout the situation and that you now have to look for what is possible.
Therefore this short video to be back on the Costa Blanca and enjoy all the beauty that Spain has to offer. In the meantime, we are preparing for the moment when the borders reopen and we can help you find your home on the Costa Blanca again. This time is perfect for preparing your house hunt in detail and we will of course help you with this!

In the near future, you will receive step by step the information you need to purchase a property in Spain correctly and without problems. We will tell you what to take into account, how the process works and what to look out for.

But for now have fun with the impression of Guardamar!


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